Citing the New Zealand Election Study

If you are using our data as part of an academic article, book, book chapter, or similar academic publication, then please use the below information, pertaining to the relevant year, to cite the New Zealand Election Study.

The full name of the study is the New Zealand Election Study. Please credit the study by name if you use the data, and link back to this website. All citations are in American Psychological Association (APA) 7th format.

2020 Election Study

Vowles, J., Barker, F., Krewel, M., Hayward, J., Curtin, J., Greaves, L., & Oldfield, L. (2020). New Zealand Election Study 2020 [Data set]. New Zealand Election Study. DOI TBC.

Data link TBC.

2017 Election Study

Vowles, J., McMillan, K., Barker, F., Curtin, J., Hayward, J., Greaves, L., & Crothers, C. (2017). New Zealand Election Study 2017 [Data set]. New Zealand Election Study. DOI TBC.

Data link TBC.

2014 Election Study

Vowles, J., Coffé, H., Curtin, J., & Cotterell, G. (2014). New Zealand Election Study 2014 [Data set]. New Zealand Election Study. DOI TBC.

Data link TBC.

2011 Election Study

Vowles, J., Cotterell, G., Miller, R., & Curtin, J. (2011). New Zealand Election Study 2011 [Data set]. New Zealand Election Study. DOI TBC.

Data link TBC.

2008 Election Study

Vowles, J., Banducci, S., Karp, J., Miller, R., Sullivan, A., & Curtin, J. (2008). New Zealand Election Study 2008 [Data set]. New Zealand Election Study. DOI TBC.

Data link TBC.

2005 Election Study

Vowles, J., Banducci, S., Karp, J., Miller, R., & Sullivan, A. (2005). New Zealand Election Study 2005 [Data set]. New Zealand Election Study. DOI TBC.

Data link TBC.

2002 Election Study

Vowles, J., Banducci, S., Karp, J., Aimer, P., & Miller, R. (2002). New Zealand Election Study 2002 [Data set]. New Zealand Election Study. DOI TBC.

Data link TBC.

1999 Election Study

Vowles, J., Banducci, S., Karp, J., Aimer, P., Miller, R., & Sullivan, A. (1999). New Zealand Election Study 1999 [Data set]. New Zealand Election Study. DOI TBC.

Data link TBC.

1996 Election Study

Vowles, J., Banducci, S., Karp, J., Aimer, P., Catt, H., Miller, R., & Denmark, D. (1996). New Zealand Election Study 1996 [Data set]. New Zealand Election Study. DOI TBC.

Data link TBC.

1993 Election Study

Vowles, J., Aimer, P., Catt, H., Miller, R., & Lamare, J. (1993). New Zealand Election Study 1993 [Data set]. New Zealand Election Study. DOI TBC.

Data link TBC.

1990 Election Study

Vowles, J., & Aimer, P. (1990). New Zealand Election Study 1990 [Data set]. New Zealand Election Study. DOI TBC.

Data link TBC.

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